A new Star Bore???! Well, maybe.
I made a trailer for another one, but I can' really say if I will make it.
One is enough. For me. If people like I'll make one more. If they like that I'll make yet another one.
& so on etc,. etc.
Star Bore Episode IV: The Fight for Freedom is in the top picture, the second picture says
Star Bore Episode V: The M-Pourer Strikes Gold.
If I make more, I have more names Star Bore Episode VI: Return of the Lead Eye
Number I would be The Menace, Number II would be Attack of the Moans, Number III would be Threthenge oth the Thith.
I wanted number IV to be A New Pope, but I couldn't change it.
Picture #3 is the Space Dock Battleship, in all it's glory.