Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Director Snag It "Is Made" Is On DVD!
Director Snag It "Is Made" is an all-new short from W.M.Thing productions. It tells about how Director Snag It, who is a robot, was made. (Director Snag It had a movie about how he defeated the Can, a deathly criminal, and ran away from the Hospital for Deranged Appliances.) Director Snag It is passed through loads of machinery before he comes out, ready for his adventure.
In the short, Snag It is made to go through cool-looking machines, so I had to model them all in a 3D program. Pictured above is the poster for "Director Snag It 'Is Made'" note the befuddled expression on his face, which I had to model in the 3D program too.
Director Snag It is fully alive and well in this poster, although he looks kind of like his blood is rushing to his head.
Director Snag It "Is Made" is now on DVD, to be fully enjoyed by its audience.