Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Realistic Office 3D Render!
This office is the work of Cheetah 3D, a 3D rendering and modeling program. In this picture, I modeled my father's office in Cheetah, and then I rendered it with an HDRI on it, to make it look realistic. Here is the finished office. It looks almost exactly like my father's. I even have some of the mess. (Not all of it). This is what is office would look like if he cleaned it. His office does not have so much space in the middle. And it isn't so bright. I've even included his back-breaking ball chair, on which he almost broke his back and couldn't walk for a day and a half.
Now he uses my chair. I like the ball chair though, its fun to sit on.
Here is a video I made with The Office model.
©W.M.Thing Productions, 2008.